The List

in progress
we can either have this experience or we can measure it, not both.
it is not about what you want now. it is about what you said you would do.
act as if you are the way you wish to be until it is true.


  1. visit europe
  2. visit africa
  3. visit asia
  4. visit north america
  5. visit south america
  6. visit australia
  7. visit antarctica
  8. visit the island of tristan da cunha
  9. visit japan
  10. visit madagascar
  11. visit new zealand
  12. travel on the trans-siberian railway
  13. bicycle around the world:
  14. ride a motorcycle in every state in the USA (49 down, Hawaii to go!)
  15. backpack through europe
  16. travel on a icebreaker in the arctic circle
  17. sail around the world
  18. visit the south and north pole


  1. never work in a profession I don't love (after age 18, so far)
  2. own a home by 20
  3. own a home outright by 30
  4. own a piece of land, build a home on it and have it paid for by 40
  5. retire from full time employment by 45
  6. save a life
  7. create a life
  8. be an amazing father
  9. vacation for a month every year (18-24)


  1. travel in space
  2. roadrace a motorcycle
  3. dragrace a motorcycle
  4. play a gig in a band
  5. photograph a wombat in the wild
  6. dive in a submarine
  7. lsd/dmt/mushrooms/mdma/ketamine/nitrous/salvia/2c(x)/thc/etc
  8. skydive
  9. see a volcano erupt in real life
  10. see tool in concert
  11. be involved in or see something overtly paranormal
  12. see eddy izzard live
  13. fly an airplane or navigate a ship through the bermuda triangle


  1. learn to fly an airplane
  2. learn to scuba dive
  3. learn to do a backflip
  4. teach myself to play the guitar
  5. learn to play the piano
  6. learn to cook thai food (well)
  7. learn a martial art (arnis de mano, jeet kune do)
  8. become a ham radio operator
  9. learn to juggle (balls/pins/knives/torches)
  10. learn to pilot a hotair balloon
  11. learn to hanglide
  12. learn to speak latin
  13. learn how to surf
  14. learn how to blow glass
  15. learn to care for a bonazi tree
  16. earn a PHD in any form of science
  17. learn how to make soap


  1. be a published author
  2. build a robot to serve a functional purpose
  3. build a kite
  4. build a bicycle
  5. make a clock by hand
  6. restore a chevette into a hot rod
  7. develop a popular website (5000+ hits daily)
  8. invent something truly revolutionary
  9. write a book
  10. forge a weapon by hand